
“Patients Don’t Really Want to Make Lifestyle Changes”: Really?

Fact or self-fulfilling prophecy? I present to you a beautiful tale of possibilities…starring the power of prevention.

New Bedford, a city steeped in whaling history, is located on the south coast of Massachusetts. And, according to a 2014 study, it was rated as one of the unhealthiest communities in the state. Compared to state averages, residents had higher rates of diabetes, heart problems, and Alzheimer’s disease. They were more likely to be smokers, tended toward being overweight, and were less likely to visit their doctors for preventive services.

But while others saw problems, New Bedford’s Dr. Michael Rocha focused on opportunities. 

The key to transformation? Supporting healthy lifestyles

Dr. Michael Rocha is a cardiologist in New Bedford, conventionally trained, but with a most unconventional idea: to improve the health of the community by encouraging healthy lifestyles. Even more audacious given the challenges of the community. He reached out to the Gaples Institute to tell his story. It’s a pleasure for me to share it with you.

After seeing patients with preventable heart disease in his community, Dr. Rocha seized the opportunity to improve the health and well-being of his hometown of New Bedford beyond just treating and counseling patients in the office. He started the New Bedford Wellness Initiative in 2014 as a monthly wellness walk that has grown since that time.

The New Bedford Wellness Initiative’s journey has included monthly wellness walks, free exercise classes, movie screenings of important health documentaries, and workshops.

How did it work out? These stories from New Bedford residents tell it all:

“It is you that helped me to see that if I just get up and walk the rest will follow. The wellness walks gave me the push to get back on track. I also this year got rid of the cable connection. After 23 years of cable I couldn’t imagine life without TV. I was so wrong. I found with TV, I was losing my life. I no longer have that huge bill either. XOXO thanks so much for being one of the best community leaders in New Bedford.”

“It’s an honor to join you in saving lives. I am really not able to comprehend how much obesity had destroyed my body but I have made a transformation using Yoga, planks, Spartan up, beach walks on rocks, proper foods, the New Bedford Wellness Initiative and amazing shakes. Since 2011, I have been able to lose 140 pounds, experience happiness in my life and realize dreams do come true if you wake up and recondition yourself. I’m the living proof, with many others following and transforming their lives.”

Post-script from Dr. Steve Devries:

Belief in the capacity to change is one of the prime determinants of success. And based on my personal experience, it’s as true among those who are economically challenged as it is for Fortune 500 CEOs.

We need a lot more doctors like Michael Rocha. And many more stories of personal health transformations.


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