
Walking for Weight Loss: A Step-by-Step Plan

How important are 10,000 steps?

A Powerful Motivator

Research shows that setting a goal of 10,000 steps/day is more motivating—and leads to a greater boost in activity—than setting other types of individualized goals. Perhaps the symmetry of the number 10,000 enhances its appeal.

Plenty of Gain

A sample of some of the documented health benefits from taking 10,000 steps per day include:

  • Short term: After only 8 weeks of 10,000 steps per day, blood glucose levels improved considerably.
  • Long term: After 6 months of 10,000 steps per day, a drop in 11 mmHg systolic blood pressure was noted, in addition to significant weight loss.

Mind the Gap

  • Most Americans walks 5,000-6,000 steps per day in their usual activities.
  • The average gap to be filled to reach 10,000 steps is an additional 4,000-5,000 per day.

How to Get There

  • 2,000 steps will take you approximately 1 mile (because of variances in stride length, your mileage may vary!) 
  • If you need to add 4,000 steps per day,  plan on adding 2 miles of walking per day.
  • 2 miles takes about 40 min to walk (but can be broken up in 20-minute blocks).


10,000 steps per day is not an ideal goal for everyone:

  • It might be too much for some older folks or those with serious illnesses,
  • It might be too little for children or very active adults.
  • Check with your doctor to help set the best goal for your particular situation.

Steps Matter

Although not a perfect number for everyone, 10,000 steps turns out to be a pretty good target for most people. And many people,  after buying a step-tracking device, are startled to learn how little they move.

But don’t be like some I’ve heard of who will do anything to fudge their numbers—including mounting their step tracker on the dog!

I hope you use the amazing power that new technology offers to motivate—and move you. Every step counts!


How Many Steps Per Day Are Enough?

Effect of Pedometer-Based Physical Activity


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